Travel Questionnaire Form Pre-travel Health Questionnaire For patients to complete prior to receiving travel vaccinations from the practice "*" indicates required fields About YouYour Name* First Last Date of Birth* MM slash DD slash YYYY Phone*NHS Number (if known) Optional Click this link to use the NHS number finder Trip InformationDate of departure* MM slash DD slash YYYY How long will you be away for?* Purpose of your trip* What areas of the world are you travelling to?* Africa Antarctica Asia Australia Europe & Russia North America South America Type of holiday* Package tour Organising it yourself Backpacking Will you be travelling to remote areas?*Choose belowYesNo(more than 24hours away from medical help)High risk activities?* E.g. hiring a moped, bungee jumping, scuba diving, white water rafting Where will you be staying?* City Small Town Rural Village Accommodation Type* Hotel Relatives homes Local accommodation Planned mode of travel?* Public transport Cruise Plane Own vehicle Who are you travelling with?* Medical InformationDo you have a history of epilepsy?*Choose belowYesNoHave you ever experienced anxiety or depression that has required treatment?.*Choose belowYesNoHave you had your spleen removed?.*Choose belowYesNoHave you ever had a bad reaction to a vaccine?*Choose belowYesNoAre you pregnant or breastfeeding?*Choose belowYesNoAre you HIV positive?*Choose belowYesNoHave you recently had treatment with radio/chemotherapy or steroids?*Choose belowYesNoAre you taking any new medication?*Choose belowYesNo